Vol 10, No 4 (2021)

October 2021

Table of Contents


Predicting Marital Boredom of Couples Based on Attachment Styles among Married Students PDF
Nasrin HeydariMollai, Mona MovahediShakib, Reza Saeedi AbuIshaqi, Morad Rostami
Reducing Aggression in Female Students: Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy PDF
Hoda NajafiBirgani
A Listening Strategy Instruction and Iranian EFL Learners’ Micro and Macro Listening Comprehension PDF
Soran Rahimpour, Maryam RahimpourKhairabad, Aween Shakhsehpour, Mahboubeh HeidariKhozani
Organizational Climate and Burnout Among High School Teachers PDF
Mohsen Abedi