Relationships of Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioral Engagements with Students’ Self-Efficacy

Ramezan Raisi and Mousa Javedan


The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between cognitive, emotional and behavioral engagements and self-efficacy of male high school students in Bandar Abbas (Iran) in the academic year 2014-2015. In order to determine the sample size according to Morgan Table, 200 subjects were selected using random sampling method. Data collection tool for academic self-efficacy beliefs was McIlroy and Bunting Questionnaire (2002) and to collect data regarding the cognitive, emotional and behavioral engagements Fredericks et al Questionnaire (2004) was used. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical tests of Pearson and regression. Regression analysis results show that cognitive engagement at the level of p<0.087, behavioral engagement at the level of p<0.635 and emotional engagement at the level of p<0.001 significantly explain students’ self-efficacy. Finally, it can be concluded that cognitive, emotional and behavioral engagements have a significant relationship with self-efficacy. Therefore, given the research results we come to the conclusion that cognitive, emotional and behavioral engagements increase students’ self-efficacy.

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