To Investigate the Relationship between Quality of Work Life and Employee's Organizational Commitment in one of the Governmental Agencies Iran
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between Quality of Work Life (QWL) and organizational commitment. This study was a correlative survey. 92 subjects among the department of education employees of Marivan were selected through Morgan's table. Data were collected using two questionnaires. QWL Questionnaire of Richard Walton and organizational commitment questionnaire Meyer & Allen. The ideas of a group of experts were looked for in order to determine the validity of the questionnaire. Reliability of the questionnaires using Cronbach's alpha method, questionnaire of QWL was 0.722 and for organizational commitment questionnaire was 0.836. To test the questions Pearson correlation, linear regression and Friedman's test were run. Results showed that there was a positive and direct correlation between quality of work life factors and organizational commitment. In other words, as the quality of Work life of the employees increases, their organizational commitment improves. In addition, it was shown that factors such as fair and sufficient payments, and social dependence of work life obtained the highest scores among the factors of quality of work life.
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