The Relationship between Attachment Styles and Parenting Styles of Elementary Students' Mothers

Abedeh Nazari


The present study is aimed to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and parenting styles of mothers of elementary school aged children in 2018. Regarding the subject and objectives of the research, the present study is of a descriptive-correlation type. The sampling method is a multistage cluster method taken from different schools of Saravan city (in Iran) and among the mothers participating in parent-teacher meetings. Their consent to participate in the study have been obtained In order to assess the attachment style, the 18 itemed attachment style questionnaire(ASQ) whose validity and reliability has also been confirmed in Iran, was used and also in order to determine the parenting style of the mothers , the 30-itemed parenting style questionnaire (PSQ) was completed. The questionnaire has been based on Baumrind's theory and its validity and reliability have also been confirmed in Iran. After the data collection, the data were entered and analyzed in SPSS software. The sample size was 372 By testing the first hypothesis, the Pearson rate equals -0.368 which shows at the 0.99 level (α= 0.01) that there is an inverse and rather average relationship between the authoritarian parenting style and secure attachment, but as the acceptable significance level is lower or equal to 0.05, therefore we conclude that there is no significant correlation between mothers' secure attachment and their authoritarian parenting style. In the second hypothesis, the Pearson rate equals 0.67 which has become significant at the 0.99 level (α= 0.01); as the acceptable significance level is lower or equal to 0.05 we therefore conclude that there is a positive, significant relationship between mothers' secure attachment and authoritative parenting style. In the third hypothesis, the Pearson rate equals -0.398 which shows at the 0.99 level (α= 0.01) that there is an inverse and rather average relationship between authoritarian parenting style and secure attachment; but as the acceptable significance level is lower or equal to 0.05 thus we conclude that there is no significant correlation between mothers' secure attachment and the permissive parenting style.

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