The Effect of Mental Health on Resilience and Hope among Nurses Working in Hospitals

Hossein Jenaabadi, Samaneh Sheikhi


The health of nurses, as care providers, influences the quality of care received by patients. The aim of the present study is to investigate the impact of nurses’ mental health on their resilience and hope .This is a descriptive-correlational study carried out on 100 nurses working at hospitals in 2017-2018. Instruments used to measure the variables of the study included General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and a Schneider’s Hope Inventory .The findings indicated that 23.35% of nurses working in hospitals of Zahedan were suspected of mental disorders and there was a significant difference between male and female nurses’ mental health. The results showed that there was a significant negative correlation between nurses’ mental health and their resilience. Also, there was a significant negative relationship between nurses’ mental health and hope .Mental health promotion can increase resilience and life expectancy among nurses and the effect of mental health on resilience and hope is indirect.

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