The Effectiveness of Self-Compassion Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Combination Therapy on Self-Efficacy of Type 2 Diabetes

Maryam IzadiLaybidi, Ahmad Ghazanfari


The emergence and occurrence of mental disorders requires that psychological factors and physical symptoms simultaneously be closely related to each other. Diabetes is the most common chronic metabolic disease. The present study aimed to compare and compare the efficacy of compassion therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy and on the self-efficacy of patients with type 2 diabetes the city of Lenjan has been dealt with. The statistical population used in this study was all type II diabetic patients referred to Clinics, among whom 48 (in 4 groups of 12) were selected through available sampling method and divided into two experimental groups and a control group were randomly replaced. The data collection tool was Sheerer and Maddox (1982) general self-efficacy questionnaire. About 11.5% of the changes in self-efficacy scores are explained by acceptance, compassion, and combination therapy, therefore, the treatment of compassion therapy has a significant effect on the self-efficacy of type 2 diabetes in patients with adherence and combination therapy. Considering the effect of self-efficacy and acceptance and commitment and combination on increasing self-efficacy in patients with type 2 diabetes, these therapies, along with medical treatments for diabetic patients, are suggested.

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