Psychological Perspectives on Female Infidelity in Marital Relationships

Zahra Rahimi, Aazam Sorouri, Fereshteh Daeichini


From the old days, people believe that men have less non-commitment in their relationship with the opposite sex, while according to new research women can betray and not be in a relationship with men! Therefore, the ultimate goal of the studies was to identify the main cause and the main pattern of this non-commitment, and to continue to refine and provide solutions to this problem. The fact is that some women in the long-standing relationship and finally commitment in all years will eventually betray their Infidelity and commit themselves. Of course, men may also be betrayed after having had a long relationship with one person. At the same time, none of the parties, ultimately lethargy, refuse to accept their own indignation and Infidelity! With the difference that the method of Infidelity and its causes are different in both sexes, they are completely different. Men, while committing to their own people, if they are fascinated, emotionally or sexually abusive others, on the contrary, women, until they are fully satisfied by their man, Committed to their commitment. But as soon as a person creates and continues to experience the emotions, sexual relations, finances and ... on the part of the man, with the onset of problems between the two, the woman is also drawn to Infidelity and inertia. Most women cannot easily engage in sexually abusive relationships and intimacy with another man, because unlike men, the creation of a new sexual relationship on the part of the woman is quite apparent in the state of affection and self-expression in relation to the previous man. For women: "If men learn to respect their own person, emotionally, financially, and financially, there is no reason for a woman to betray her.

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