Sociological Study of Women's Motivation for the Tendency toward Beauty Surgeries

Nafiseh Derakhshan, Homa Derakhshesh, Fahimeh SistaniGhahjavarestani


The social factors affecting the tendency of women to aesthetic surgery were the goal of the study. In this research, the views of various scholars such as Gaffman, Turner, Veblen, Bourdieu, and Homens were used. The aim of this research is to examine the motivation of women from the tendency toward beauty surgeries and typologies of all of them, the mindset of activists about the body, and ways of making such a situation accessible to individuals in order to interfere with the body. According to the results of this study, the motivation of women to perform beautiful acts is classified into two general categories of personal motives (self-motivating motives) and transpersonal motives (self-motivating motives). How we understand our body may affect our ability to interact with others and affect the responses that others give us. This impression affects the way we experience our bodies in everyday life. Also, this perception can affect our sense of self, the extent to which we trust in social situations and the nature of our social relationships. The most motivating factor in women's tendency to these surgeries is the acquisition of beauty as a factor in promoting self-esteem. And this desire, on the other hand, is influenced by individual characteristics and, on the other hand, is influenced by external requirements. In single people, people with higher education, people with a negative image of their bodies and those with lower self-confidence tend to be more beautifully surreptitious, and family, friends, family, spouse, doctors, satellite and television, In turn, they are effective in provoking this tendency.

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