Parenting Style, Religious Attitudes and Resiliency

Reza Moridi, S. Reza Fallahchai, Ali Akbar ShiekhiFini


This present study aimed to determine the relationship between parenting styles, religious attitudes and resiliency in the students. The statistical population included 418 secondary period public high school students. According to Morgan Table, 200 students (100 girls and 100 boys) were selected using random-cluster sampling method. Connor and Davidson Scale (CD-RISC) was used to collect data on resiliency. Muslim Religious Attitudes Scale was used to collect data on religious attitude. Parenting Style Questionnaire was used to collect data on parenting style variable. This is a correlational study. The collected data was analyzed using stepwise regression method. The results demonstrated that there is a positive and significant relationship between religious attitudes and resiliency in students (r = 0.46). In addition, it was found out that authoritative parenting style has a significant and positive relationship with resiliency among, authoritative, permissive and authoritarian parenting styles (Beta = 0.41).

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