Psychological Effects Assessment of Form in Architecture and Urban Design on the Human

Neda ArdestaniSamani, S. Ali Mirahmadi, Fateh KabiriKoupaei


Disburdening with the aesthetic category in architectural architecture and cities as a science ensures peace and mental security of citizens as part of human health is in the impact of anthropogenic environmental factors, so the necessity of attention to this issue is inevitable. The aesthetics can be divided into three types forms of sensory, Fermi and symbolic. In this between, the able aspect is a phenomenon, personality and recognition of an object in the material world and is an effective element in the creation of space. This paper examines concepts and basic definitions of form and beauty in architecture and urban landscape as well as the expression of its influential elements in this branch on the basis of Gestalt psychology. Then, with the extraction of a set of criteria and indicators, solutions for the design will be expressed in order to increase the positive effect of the form in terms of quality of beauty in architecture and urbanism on human psyche. The research method in this study is descriptive - descriptive. The collection of research data has been documents and library.

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