Investigation of the Relationship between the Level of Commitments among the Employees, Quality of Services and Client’s Satisfaction

Masood Poorkiani, Hussein Arjmandi


This research aims to investigate the relationship between the level of commitment among the employees, client’s satisfaction and the quality of services in executive organizations in Anbarabad County. Therefore 220 employees and 390 clients were selected from the executive organizations of Anbarabad through simple random sampling who answered Magnus Client Satisfaction Questionnaire, employee commitment questionnaire and service quality questionnaire. The results achieved through these questionnaires were analyzed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient test and it was indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between the level of organizational commitment among the employees and quality of services and satisfaction of the clients of executive organizations in Anbarabad (p<0.01). A positive significant relationship between the quality of services and client’s satisfaction was observed as well (p<0.01).

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