The Relationship of Psychological Empowerment Components and Job Motivation through Organizational Commitment in Employees of Hormozgan Province Gas Company

Azadeh Arabzadeh, S. Abdolvahab Samavi, Moosa Javdan, Hossien Najafi


This research aims to determine the casual relationship of psychological empowerment and its components with mediation of organization commitment in employees of Bandar Abbas Gas Company. Research method was correlational. Three questionnaires of psychological empowerment, organizational commitment, and career motivation were used to gather data. A sample of 84 employees of Bandar Abbas Gas Company was selected by stratified random sampling method. In this research nine direct hypotheses and four indirect hypotheses were presented at studied. Before analyzing data, modeling of structural equations, multivariate normality assumptions, and linearity and multi-Collinearity were tested and confirmed using statistical method. After analysis of data, results of direct relationships of research variables in the recommended model showed that all path coefficients among variables throughout the sample were significant statistically. On this basis all direct hypotheses were confirmed. Indirect hypotheses were reviewed using bootstrap method. Results proved that all indirect hypotheses were confirmed. On this basis there is a significant and positive relationship between empowerment components and job motivation and organizational commitment. Also, there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational commitment and job motivation. The indirect relationship between empowerment components and job motivation was significant.

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