A Study on the Prevalence of Eating Disorders and its relationship to Anxiety in preschool

Laleh Zamani


This study aimed to assess the prevalence of eating disorders and its relation to preschool children’s anxiety in Bandar Abbas. In this study, descriptive- correlational method has been used. The population of the research is all preschool children of Bandar Abbas in 2011-2012 academic year, including 4370 subjects among whom 222 children as the sample were examined by random cluster sampling. Data collection tool was CSI (CSI-4) questionnaires that were carried out on the research sample after determining the validity and reliability of the research. The research results showed that among eating disorders selective eating is more prevalent among preschool children. There is a significant relationship between anxiety and eating disorders in preschool children. In addition, anxiety, separation anxiety, and eating habits in children predict 33% of the criterion variable variance of eating disorders.

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