The Impact of Lesson Study on Professional Development, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Elementary Teachers

Hossein Zeinalipour, Ali Akbar ShaikhiFini, Farideh Helmi


At the beginning of the twenty-first century, all attentions have been paid to educational system, over the past; the attention and concentration of educational systems to improve school learning have been increased too. Because, undoubtedly, a weak primary education system, would endanger the whole system of human capital development. Recent approaches in the education system to improve learning indicate a cooperative learning in the classroom and train the students as an inquiring generation. Research methodology in this study is a one group quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post-test. Data collection has been done via field study, and tools for data collection were questionnaire. In this study, samples studied were 47 cases of primary teachers in Qeshm city who had not participated in the lesson study training courses. These persons were selected through convenience sampling. Therefore, these people completed questionnaires once before and once after the completion of the course, and finally the data was analyzed. The result indicated that lesson study courses have positive impact on teacher’s professional development and its dimensions. In addition, it was founded that lesson study courses have positive impact on organizational commitment and job satisfaction.

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