Investigating the Effect of Social Problem-solving on Academic Achievement of the Students with Learning Disorders

Sedigheh Davoodi and Mahin Askari


The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of social problem-solving training on academic achievement of the students with learning disorders. This was an experimental study with pretest, posttest, experimental and control groups. The statistical population consisted of all 12 to 16 years old students with learning disorders in the first education district in Bandar Abbas in 2013-2014 academic years (35). The sample size consisted of 32 individuals who were randomly selected based on Cochran formula. The individuals were divided into two groups (an experimental group and a control group), each group consisting of sixteen individuals. The standard questionnaires of Social Problem-solving and Academic Achievement were used to collect the required data. The analysis of covariance statistical method was used to analyze the collected data. The results showed that social problem-solving had a significant effect on academic achievement and its components (self-efficacy, planning and motivation) in the students with learning disorders.

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