Short Termism and Long Termism and Their Effect on Human Capital Development Process in Iran Education

Masood Moghadas


The theories based on human resources (in addition to capital) are more compatible to the developing countries with low capital and high human resources but their human capital is neither developed nor utilized appropriately. Endogenous growth models were raised in the 1980s. Endogenous In this theory, capital was defined generally including the human capital while technology and human capital were both considered as endogenous variables in the growth model. Then, the role and significance of human resources in development were gradually emphasized to use the concept of human development on the development report 1990 by the United Nations Development Program. In this regard, the present study aimed at investigating the effect of short termism and long termism and their effect on human capital development process in the Department of Education. The research method was applied in terms of research objectives. Data collection method was library including the scientific articles and websites to collect the necessary data. In order to analyze the research hypotheses, a questionnaire was used and SPSS software (T-test and Friedman ranking test) were used for data analysis. The results of test significance indicated that short termism and long termism affect the human capital development process in the Department of Education. Based on Friedman technique and test significance, the long termism parameters have a higher effect on development process.

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