The Impact of Participatory Teaching Methods on Social and Citizenship Skills of Secondary School Students

Mojtaba Dehdar, Parvin Ghiasi, Vida Fallahi


This study was intended to investigate the impact of participatory teaching methods on social and citizenship skills of secondary school students of Iranshahr with a pseudo-empirical method by designing pretest, post-test and control group. The statistical population were four classes of 25 students with normal distribution of gender as well as experimental and control groups which were chosen by random cluster sampling method. The measuring tools in this research were Social Skills and Citizenship Skills questionnaires. To analyze the descriptive data, statistical methods like calculating all averages and standard deviations, and to analyze hypotheses, t-test and analysis of covariance were used. The results showed that participatory teaching methods have a positive impact on social and citizenship skills of students. Also, it was proved that, as opposed to social skills, there was a meaningful difference between the citizenship education scores of males and females.

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