Study of Effective teaching experiences, based on research strategy for enhance perceptual memory of primary school students

Soheila Yeganeh, Mahmood Sabahizadeh


The aim of Study is evaluation of Effective teaching experiences, based on research strategy for enhance perceptual memory of primary school students in Bandar Abbas district. The present research is an applied research method and in terms of data collection method, qualitative research and relying on the strategy of studying. The Instrument includes all scientific and research articles, books on the subject of the research and the available literature in this regard, have been collected and used. The main tool of research is the teacher's experiences in enhancing cognitive memory. To determine the validity, some of the members of the primary education groups of Hormozgan province were given and after the validity of the curriculum, the content validity was determined. Each member of the training group provided feedback on the design of the training. . The results of the study showed that the importance of using teaching aids and teaching technology (multimedia) and the objective environment in teaching can be effective in teaching and improving the students' perceptual memory.

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