The Test Model, To Identify Delinquent Juveniles According Sensation Seeking, Personality Traits and Attachment Styles

Hajar Mirzayi


The aim of this study is the test model, to identify Delinquent juveniles According sensation seeking, personality traits and attachment styles in Iran. This study was descriptive and correlational in which the proposed causal model is tested.  This study was conducted to collect data for these study questionnaires were used that include Fifth Edition Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale, NEO Personality Traits Questionnaire, Adult Attachment Styles Questionnaire and Trends in juvenile delinquency questionnaire. The population of the study, all adolescents enrolled in the first and the second period in Iran. A statistical sample in this study was 226 persons who were selected using stratified random sampling. Results showed that the model is reliable and can be reached by sensation seeking predicted the personality traits and attachment styles tend to juvenile delinquency.

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