A Model Based on the Relationship between Attachment to God and Marital Conflicts Mediated by Religious Coping

Fateme Farrokhabadi, Bagher GhobaryBonab


This study developed a model to explain the relationship between quality of attachment to God and marital conflicts through religious coping. For this purpose, the Muslim married students who were studying in the Al-Mustafa International University, Mashhad, were invited to participate in the study. Finally, 21 women and 22 men voluntarily enrolled and filled the M-SAS, the brief RCOPE (Pargament) and GRIMS. The results were analyzed by using structural equation modelling using partial least square and the software SmartPLS. The results showed a significant relationship (p<0.05) between secure attachment to God and marital conflicts through positive religious coping (t=7.89) and secure attachment to God and marital conflicts (t=2.46). Secure attachment to God could predict variations in marital conflicts. Moreover, there was a significant relationship (p<0.05) between avoidant attachment to God and marital conflicts (t=3.96); the avoidant attachment to God could predict 20% variance in marital conflicts (p<0.05). However, there was no significant relationship (p<0.05) between anxious attachment to God and marital conflicts and negative religious coping did not mediate the relationship between quality of attachment to God and marital conflicts (p<0.05). Therefore, the model could explain the relationship between secure attachment to God through positive religious coping and avoidant attachment to God and marital conflicts.

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