Study of developmental relationship between attitudes to aging and personality characteristics in persons 7 to 80 years in Iran

Samira Mokhtari, Fatemeh Sheibani


The aim of this study is examine of developmental relationship between attitudes to aging and personality characteristics in persons 7 to 80 years in Iran. Type of study is descriptive and was conducted correlation analysis. Statistical papulation include all people of Isfahan city. Sample size is 800 people. Sample method is the convenience sampling methods. For data collection attitudes to aging questionnaire and NEO Personality Inventory were used. To test the hypothesis, Pearson correlation and multiple regression were used. The results showed that the correlation between attitudes to aging and personality characteristics are obtained 0.09, that in p<0.05 was significant. But the correlation between personality characteristics and attitudes to aging components was not significant. So we can say that according to personality characteristics of people community, attitudes to elderly people are different.  After improved the economic conditions, health and social care of the elderly, Members of society attitudes to aging was better.

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