A Study of Inferential Feedback as an Outcome Measure in Treatment Resistant Depression

Rimple Jayant Limbachiya, Ajita Nayak


20% of patients with depression do not respond satisfactorily to medications. Studying clinical variables can help identify predictors of outcome in these patients. To study inferential feedback provided by caregivers and perceived by patients with depression. To compare the inferential feedback provided by caregivers and perceived by cases with that of controls. 30 patients with treatment resistant depression attending the Psychiatry OPD were selected as cases and were matched with 30 non-resistant controls. They were assessed using semi- structured questionnaire for socio demographic data, Hamilton depression rating scale, DSM IV TR criteria and Adaptive inferential feedback questionnaire. Cases perceived and received lower adaptive inferential feedback as compared to controls. And it was negatively associated with HDRS scores. People with treatment resistant depression perceived as well as received more maladaptive inferential feedback from their caregivers. And Adaptive inferential feedback was negatively associated with the severity of depression.

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