Investigation of the Educated Girls' Tendency to Money and Its Effect on Protecting Family Foundations

Hanniyeh Fattahzadeh, Samaneh Sadat Sadidpour, Maryam Safara


How much money is important for educated people? How today young girls think about money? Family as the basic institution of society is a cultural action that is influenced by individuals’ social interactions. This institution is a factor for cultural transfer and development. Present girls are future mothers, and mothers are the rearing focus of future generations and their thoughts will have an important influence on the thoughts of next generation. Therefore, the present paper studied the attitudes of the girls graduated from university as future mothers of next generation on tendency towards money, and their value priority was investigated. Research method was survey and cross-sectional, and the population consisted of 101 female students graduated from Al-Zahra (SA) University in Tehran in 2014 that were selected through  available sampling method and tested. Reliability of the questionnaire was 0.835, which was assessed as a strong value. The results showed that the graduated people’s consideration toward money was obtained as 46.37. By increase of revenue, the women’s tendency to money reduced. At present time, the women pay attention to both academic education and revenue (money). Since money was in the focus of attention, it is the general view of life and ultimately the tendency to money (monetarism) is explained by losing the meaning that is the property of modernity.

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