Effectiveness of Teaching through Brainstorming on the Students' Critical Thinking and Motivation
Among the most important goals of modern systems of education is teaching individuals to be able to easily overcome the issues and problems in daily life and in social settings. In this context, the students’ motivation and critical thinking are the factors affecting the students’ life and future. In this respect, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching through brainstorming on critical thinking and academic motivation of boy students in fifth grade of elementary school in Bandar Abbas. The study is a semi-experimental study and pretest - posttest with control group is applied. The study population consists of all students in fifth grade at District 1 of Bandar Abbas city. Using cluster sampling method, the sample, including 150 fifth grade students, is selected. The study instruments include Ricketts Critical Thinking Questionnaire and Valrand Academic Motivation Questionnaire. Intervention sessions are run for ten 60-minute sessions for students. After data collection and to control the effect of pre-test on the post-test, covariance analysis and multivariate variance analysis are used and the results are analyzed by SPSS statistical software. Research findings indicate a significant difference between critical thinking scores (Sig. < 0.001) and academic motivation (Sig. < 0.001) in the experimental group. In other words, teaching through brainstorming impacts on critical thinking and motivation of elementary school students in fifth grade.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20286/ajps-0502254
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