A Survey of the Growth in Morality in Adolescences with the Management of Parents

Maryam Safara



One of the important aspects of development is the understanding social values and the object of teaching moral values that create self-preservation and acquiring power opposing by discriminating the illogical inclination. It is therefore it is needed to recognize the moral balance and being equal the moral scale in action. Or the output of the result, moral or immoral. There are three stages of the moral growth in the different cultures that are firm and unchangeable. The present research work has the object to study the moral growth in young girls, whom cross road of secondary school stage. There administrative relation with their parents. This work is based on two stage, of middle school and senior secondary stage. For the moral growth of the youths, moral texts to make at the base of Kohlberg’s moral test; by looking at the administrative relations with the parents for that purpose a questionnaire to be prepared. The date collect on the base of that. The analysis to make on the base of statistics. The result living in the democratic atmosphere is lead to higher moral growth than living in Participatory administrative system. Also, the results of participatory leadership of parents are lead to growth in morality of adolescences.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20286/ajps-0502248


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