Surveying the Relationship between Happiness, Self-Efficacy and Vocational Capability of Elementary School Teachers

Masoumeh Hajizadeh, Asqar Hajizadeh Shabani, Nosrat Bakhtari


This study aimed to explore the relationship between happiness, self-efficacy and vocational capability of elementary school teachers of District 2 of Bandar Abbas. The research method was correlation-based and descriptive and the statistical population of the study consisted of 150 teachers of elementary school of District 2 of Bandar Abbas, and the volume of calculated sample was 108 students who were selected by available random sampling. In this study, three questionnaires were used:  Schweitzer and Jerusalem’s General Self-Efficacy Scale (1995), Oxford happiness and capability of Spritzer. According to the research findings, a significant and positive correlation was observed between self-efficacy with happiness and capability and between happiness and capability. The teachers’ vocational capability has a strong and significant relationship with happiness and their self-efficacy.

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