A Study on the Relationship between Communication Skills and Mental Health and Job Performance

Fatemeh Molaei Fini, Ali Akbar Sheikhi Fini


The aim of this study is to investigate the relation of communication skills and mental health with job performance of the Melli Bank staff of Bandar Abbas in 2005. The study population includes 560 subjects. The sample size is selected using Cochran formula, which is equal to 142 subjects. The research sample is selected randomly. Research required data are collected using field method. Spreitzer Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (1990), Mental Health Questionnaire (SCL 90 R) and Communication Skills Questionnaire are data collection tools of the study. Multivariate regression test is used to examine the research hypotheses. The results show that there is a significant relationship between communication skills (p =0.001) and mental health dimensions (p =0.001) and job performance. Therefore, communication skills and the dimensions of mental health are good indicators of explaining the staffs’ job performance.

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