The Effectiveness of Anger Management and Control Training On the Aggression Reduction of Male High School Students

Mohammad ZareZadeh , Mahin Askari


The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of anger management and control training on the aggression reduction of male high school students of Bandar Abbas. The statistical population of the study was all the male students in secondary high schools in Bandar Abbas. The research sample consisted of 50 subjects (25 subjects in the control group and 25 in the test group) who were selected by purposive sampling (non-random) method and through matching and random replacement. Information gathering tool was Buss and Perri aggression questionnaires (1972). In order to conduct the survey, a cognitive-behavioral approach with emphasis on child-adult relationship presents a multiple training model regarding anger management which has been compatible with Islamic-Iranian culture in the review level and is been designed in twelve 2-hour sessions. Results in this study showed that the approach of cognitive-behavioral approach (anger management and control training) has a significant effect on the aggression reduction (F value= 2464.21 at p <0.001). Therefore, the program of cognitive-behavioral approach (anger management and control training) is proper in the reduction of students’ aggression.

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