A Study on the Relationship between Parenting Styles and Secondary School Students’ Emotional Intelligence

Majid Raeesi Sarkhoni, Fatemeh Abedi Varaki


This study examines the relationship between parents’ parenting styles and secondary school students' emotional intelligence. The study population includes all male and female secondary school students in Bandar Abbas. The research sample consists of 400 subjects, of which 200 are boys and 200 are girls who are selected by random cluster sampling method. In order to collect the research required data, Baumrind’s parenting style questionnaire and Schutte Emotional Intelligence questionnaire are applied. Parenting style questionnaires are filled by the studied students’ parents and emotional intelligence questionnaires are completed by the students themselves. Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regressions test are used to analyze the data collected from the implementation of survey questionnaires and test of the research hypotheses. Results in the present study show that there is a significant positive correlation between the authoritative parenting style and emotional intelligence (p =0.01).

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