The Comparison of Islamic Lifestyle Factors and Perfectionism in Secondary School Teachers in Birjand

Mojtaba Salmabadi, Reza Javan, Ahmad Rajabi, Nastaran Ebrahimi


Background  and  objective:  Islamic  lifestyle  and  perfectionism  are  of  the  important
concepts in the marital life of couples in the contemporary age. This study tries to examine and
compare  Islamic  lifestyle  and  perfectionism  in  high  school  teachers  in  Birjand.  Method:  The
sample  size  was  selected  through  cluster  random  sampling  among  high  school  teachers  in
Birjand  (N=300,  150  males  and  150  females).  Data  were  collected  by  Kaviani  Islamic  Lifestyle
Survey Test-  short form (ILST) and Tehran Multi-dimensional Perfectionism Survey (TMPS). Then,
descriptive statistic methods such as mean and standard deviation, and also inferential statistic
indices such as multivariate variance analysis were used. Findings: The results showed that there
is  a  significant  difference  between  men  and  women  in  Islamic  lifestyle  and  this  significant
difference is confirmed between men and women in aspects of timing and ethics. Also, there is
no significant difference between perfectionism in men and women. Conclusion: The results of
this study emphasize on the necessity of recognition of gender differences in examining Islamic
Keywords: Islamic life style, Perfectionism, Gender

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