Study of Relationship between Organizational Learning and Strategic Flexibility in Directorate of Sports and Youth

Amin Amani, Malihe Akbari, Zahra Shakarami, Hadi Jahani


In today's world, change is rapid and a successful adaptation is an important part of
the  success  in  the  Common  Era.  the  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  examine  the  relationship
between  organizational  learning  and  Strategic  flexibility  in  general  Directorate  of  Youth  and
Sport of Lorestan province. From the purpose point of view this study is practical, the method of
data  collection  and  type  of  relation  it  is  correlationand  type  of  implementation  is  a  survey
research.  Questionnaires  were  distributed  among  a  sample  of  192  members  of  staffs,  experts
and deputy of General Directorate of Youth and Sport of Lorestan. To analyze the data obtained,
according to data normality, Pearson and Friedman test was used. Results: The results showed a
significant  relationship  between  organizational  learning  and  strategic  flexibility.  The  results
indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between organizational learning and
strategic flexibility in Lorestan Physical Education Offices. Note that this relationship is positive,
increase in each of these two factors led to the rise of another and decrease in each one of them
will lead to a decrease in the other variable. Monitoring the work place and study of the events
using official and unofficial systems will lead to increase in organizational flexibility.
Keywords: Organizational Learning, Strategy, Strategic flexibility

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