An Investigation into the Relationship between Personality Transcendence Dimensions with the HEXACO Model of Personality Structure

Ali Pakizeh , Farideh-Sadat Hoseini and Elmira Bassagh


The main purpose of the current research was to investigate the relationship between personality transcendence dimensions with the HEXACO model of personality structure which is a six-dimensional model of human personality. Using multi stage cluster sampling, 180 students from Persian Gulf University were selected. The participants were asked to complete Personality Transcendence Scale and the HEXACO Personality Inventory. The data were analyzed using   Pearson correlation and Multi-variable Regression. The results revealed that personality transcendence has positive correlation with five dimensions of the HEXACO model, but negative correlation with the emotionality dimension. The findings also indicated that, among the personality transcendence dimensions, the best predictors for the HEXACO model of personality structure are: individual moral and social moral for Honesty-Humility; individual order and emotional maturity for Extraversion; individual moral and spiritual experiences for Agreeableness; individual order, individual moral, and religious behaviors for Conscientiousness; individual moral, spiritual experiences, and spiritual behaviors for Openness to Experience; and emotional maturity and  religious beliefs as the best inverse predictor of Emotionality. Regarding with the positive relations between personality transcendence dimensions with personality factors, personality transcendence could be considered as a new perspective on personality.

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