Gardner's multiple intelligences as a predictor of academic performance achievement of high school students

Yaghoob Raissi Ahvan, Hossein Zainali pour, Eghbal Zarei


The present study attempts to investigate the relationship between the multiple intelligences and the academic performance achievement levels of high school students based on Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory. This was a descriptive correlation study. To accomplish this purpose, 270 students of high school of Bandar Abbas selected by clustering random sampling, and all of them filled the Gardner’s multiple intelligences questionnaire. For analysis of collected data, descriptive statistics including Mean, Standard Deviation, Pearson coefficient correlation, and Regression. Findings of this study revealed that moderate inter-correlation exists between verbal-linguistic and visual-spatial intelligences and academic performance achievement (p<05). Multiple intelligences such as logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, intrapersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and naturalistic have a significant positive relationship with academic performance achievement of students (p<05). Then it became clear that multiple intelligences like visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic and interpersonal statistically significant and were able to predict academic performance achievement (p<05), whereas musical intelligence was a tunable negative predicator for academic performance achievement of students.

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