Comparison of Symptoms of Anxiety and Emotion Disorders in Children of Divorced Families and Children of Normal Families

Maryam HamledariNajafabadi, Razieh Sharifi, Maryam Nouri, Nahid Ebrahimi


The aim of this study was to compare the symptoms of anxiety disorders and emotion expression in children of divorced families and children of normal families. The research method was causal-comparative. In this study, 120 children of divorced and normal families aged 9 to 14 years (60 children of divorced families, 60 children of normal families) were selected through available sampling method. To collect the data, child anxiety screening questionnaires related to emotional disorders and emotion expression scale for children were used, and for data analysis, a multivariate analysis of covariance test was used. The results showed that the symptoms of anxiety disorders (panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, avoidance disorder, social anxiety disorder, school avoidance disorder) and emotion expression (weak emotion expression, reluctance to express emotion) in children of divorced families were more than they were the children of a family. According to the research results, the use of psychological training and therapies to reduce psychological problems (symptoms of anxiety disorders) and express emotion in students with parental divorce experience is recommended.

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