The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Expressing Emotion and Quality of Women's Marital Relationship (Case Study: Women with Experience of Marriage under 15 Years Old)

Shahrzad Yazdani, Zohreh Sadeghi, Maliheh Rabani, Fatemeh Sadat Barghamadi


The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy on expressing emotion and quality of women's marital relationship (Case study: women with experience of marriage under 15 years old). The research method was quasi-experimental with post-test pretest design and control group. The statistical population of the study included all women with marriage experience under the age of 15 who referred to welfare counseling clinics in Tehran, District 12 in 2020, which was available to 40 people and randomly selected in experimental and control groups ( Each group (20 people) were assigned. In order to collect information, emotion expression questionnaire (King and Emmons, 1990) and relationship quality questionnaire (Fletcher et al., 2000) were used. The experimental group underwent schema therapy (8 sessions of 90 minutes); But the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance. The results showed that schema therapy was effective in increasing emotion expression and quality of marital relationship (p <0.05). According to the results, this treatment can be used to increase emotion expression and quality of marital relationship in women. He benefited from the couple's psychological and communication problems and in this way helped to reduce stress for these people.

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