Providing a model for predicting aggression in juvenile delinquency based on problem-solving strategies and communication skills strategy

Azita AmirFakhrayi, Rasoul Moalem, Monireh Bayati


The purpose of this study is to provide a model for predicting aggression in juvenile delinquency based on problem-solving strategies and communication skills strategies. This research has been used in terms of purpose and terms of nature and method of correlation. The statistical population includes all juvenile delinquents who were kept in Zarrin Dasht Correctional Center in Fars. 131 adolescents who were present in the reform center in the first six months of 2019 were selected. In this study, three questionnaires, including problem solving style, aggression and communication skills questionnaires were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics of Pearson correlation and multivariate regression using SPSS software version 23. The results showed that there is a significant inverse relationship between problem solving styles and aggression of delinquent adolescents (P <0.01). There was also a significant inverse relationship between communication skills and aggression of delinquent adolescents (P <0.01). Based on the results of simultaneous regression, it was shown that among the predictor variables, problem-solving strategies inversely predict the aggression of delinquent adolescents (p <0.01 and Beta = 0.249). Communication skills also predict inverse aggression of delinquent adolescents (p <0.01 and Beta = 0.257). So that 55.4% of the explained variance changes explained the aggression of delinquent adolescents by communication skills and problem solving strategies.

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