The Effect of Life Skills Training On Irrational Communication Beliefs of Men with Experience of Domestic Violence

Lida Rostami, Zahra Karimi, Azam Ardeh, Masoumeh Shakibaei ShakibaeiShadAhmadGorabi


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of life skills training on irrational communication beliefs of men with experience of domestic violence. The study population in this study included all men with experience of domestic violence with their spouses who referred to family counseling centers in the third district of Tehran. Using available sampling method, subjects with high irrational beliefs scores were selected and They were randomly divided into experimental (n = 15) and control (n = 15) groups. Also used in this study are the list of irrational communication beliefs of Idelson and Epstein (1982) and the life skills training protocol. The experimental group underwent life skills program training in 8 sessions of 60 minutes. The results showed that life skills training has an effect on reducing the irrational beliefs of the subjects and the results indicate a reduction of irrational beliefs (destructive opposition, unchangeable spouse, expectation of mind reading, sexual perfectionism and gender differences) due to education. Life skills to the experimental group. In this regard, it seems that teaching life skills to couples can control and change negative or incorrect thoughts and irrational beliefs and thus affect their mental health.

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