Application of criminal psychology in criminal law and criminology

Aminallah Gholami


One of the most fundamental concepts in criminal law and criminology is criminal liability. Traditionally, criminal law criminalizes a person who is wise, autonomous, and mature, while insane, compulsive, and minor persons are held criminally liable. Apart from the fact that there is no exact definition of insanity and the line between insanity and mental health is not clear, in some types of mental disorders such as paranoid disorder, borderline personality, anti-social personality and bipolar disorder, it is certain that the person from He does not have mental health, and unfortunately, criminal law, with its black or white view of human beings, includes such persons in the circle of healthy human beings and treats them similarly, while these persons cannot, like persons who They are mentally healthy to have control over their behavior. Criminal law is criticized by criminologists for dealing with the disabled or the crime instead of addressing the causes of the crime and delinquency. The truth is that criminal law with the criminal means at its disposal cannot observe justice and inevitably seek help from sciences such as criminology and criminal psychology.

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