Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of Marital Boredom Tools among Middle School Teachers

Rafideh FakhariShiraz, Maisa Behnam


Marital boredom is a painful condition of physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion that affects those who expect the love of confrontation and marriage to give meaning to their lives. Marital boredom occurs when a person's current situation in a relationship does not match what he or she expected, and marital dissatisfaction occurs when a person's current situation in a relationship does not match the person's desired expected situation. It means a situation in which a couple does not feel happy and satisfied with being married to each other and being together. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the marital boredom tool (CBM) among teachers in Shirvan city (in Iran). The statistical population included all married middle school teachers in Shirvan city in the academic year of 2015-16. The sample size was 202 using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table and the participants were selected using stratified random sampling. Subjects were asked to answer a set of questions that included 4 questionnaires: 1- Personal Information Questionnaire 2- Marital Boredom Tool (CBM) 3- Enrich Marital Satisfaction Scale (ECS) and 4- Diner Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS). Data were analyzed at the level of descriptive statistics (frequency distribution, center orientation measures and dispersion measures) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient, etc.) using SPSS software package. Between marital boredom tool (CBM) And Inrich Marital Satisfaction Scale (ECS) and Diner Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS) obtained correlation coefficients of -0.31 and -0.30, respectively, which were significant at the level of p = 0.0001. Months) and the internal consistency of marital boredom izar were 0.89 and 0.87, respectively. The findings of this study showed that the Persian version of the marital boredom tool in a sample of teachers has good validity and reliability.

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