An Overview of the Reasons and Causes of Marital Burn out Among Iranian Couples

Vahid Sokhanvar, Masoumeh Moeini, Mah Monir ChitsazEsfahani


Deafness syndrome is a term in the relationship psychology that says that after about seven years, sexual desire and satisfaction with marital affection gradually diminish. This theory talks about the tendency toward marriage contracting and marriage around the seventh year of marriage. The tendency to divorce is another claim of this theory. This topic of psychology also tells the married person to reassess her marital relationship. Of course, this period is based on evidence and possibly less than seven years, but given the fact that, according to some statistics in the United States, the average lifespan of each seven-year marriage has taken seven years to this theory. Feeling distressed, unwillingness to solve problems, frustration from solving problems, depression, feeling emptiness and meaninglessness and not feeling emotional support are emotional symptoms of sexually abusive people. In countries where remarriage is customary, some men find a second or third marriage after a marriage. The issue of secret relationships and the causes and factors of men's tendency toward second wife is one of the most controversial issues of modern families, especially among women. The reason for most referrals to counseling centers is related to this issue.

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