Prediction of Defect in Theory of Mind According to Social and Generalized Anxiety Signs

Fatemeh Koroghipour, Zeynab Khanjani, Abbas Bakhshipour, Mohsen Soruri


The present study has been conducted to predict the defects of theory of mind according to social and generalized anxiety signs among university students. The study was in a kind of descriptive –correlative one, sampling method was random having screening procedure. Population included female students of Tabriz University. Among them 30 had signs of social anxiety and other 30 participants had generalized anxiety. Data gathering tools were SPIN social anxiety questionnaire and Beck anxiety questionnaire (BAI). Obtained results showed that out of two mentioned variants, social anxiety was more able to predict mind theory defect while it was not true about generalized anxiety. Therefore according to social anxiety signs among individuals, we can predict defects in mind theory.

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