A Comparison between Controlling Behaviors, Intimacy and Marital Adjustment of Iranian Couples Resident

Maryam Tavakol


This study has been conducted to compare controlling behaviors, intimacy and marital adjustment of Iranian couples living in Dubai and Bandar Abbas. The research method is causative - comparative. The study population is consisted of all couples resident in Dubai and Bandar Abbas. The statistical sample of the research includes 200 subjects (50 couples resident in Dubai and, 50 couples living in Bandar Abbas). Data collection tools include DAS Marital Adjustment Questionnaire, Marital Intimacy Questionnaire, as well as Controlling Behaviors Questionnaire. The research data analysis has been performed by two-way ANOVA test and multivariate regression test. Results show that there is a significant difference between controlling behaviors of couples living in Bandar Abbas and Dubai. Research findings also indicate that there is a significant difference between marital intimacy and marital adjustment among couples living in Bandar Abbas and Dubai. Finally, these findings suggest that controlling behaviors of the couples have predictive power of marital adjustment and intimacy.

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