Self-Actualization and Personal Growth Initiative among the Teachers of Adolescents

Jeny Rapheal, Varghese Paul K


This paper investigates into the nature and degree of “Self-actualization†and “Personal growth initiative†among higher secondary school teachers. Of 128 faculties, 72 teachers were selected from private sector and the remaining 56 teachers were from aided/govt higher secondary schools of Trissur district in Kerala state by convenient sampling. Two scales namely Self-actualization index by Jones and Crandall and Personal growth initiative scale by Robitscheck were used for collecting data5. Most of the teachers constituting the sample exhibited moderately high level of self-actualization and personal growth initiative. Data analysis revealed significant positive correlation between SAI and PGI values. Also, a significant correlation between the independent variables like “age†and “years in service†and the dependent variable “self-actualization†was observed. But, correlation of same with the dependent variable PGI was not significant. Single factor ANOVA revealed a significant difference in the means of SAI&PGI values for different age groups. Differences in terms of ‘type of school’ and ‘religion’ showed no impact on PGI and SAI values of teachers. At the same time, a significant difference between the means of PGI values of Math and English teachers was noticed. The paper, in an attempt to explore the rationale behind the topic of study, presents a theoretical analysis based on previous research findings in adolescent and educational psychology about the role of teachers in adolescent mental health scenario. Also, it gives a glimpse into the overlapping areas between the characteristics expected from an effective teacher and a self-actualized individual.

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