An Overview of the Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Emotional Divorce among Iranian Couples

Negar Yamin, Mah Monir ChitsazEsfahani, Vahideh Rezaeikahkha


Emotional divorce is the first stage in the process of divorce and represents a deteriorating marital relationship. That alienation will replace it. Although husband and wife may continue to be together as a social group, their attraction and trust in each other are lost. Emotional divorce is experienced as a disgusting choice between self-sacrifice and self-hatred. In which each husband and wife suffer from another feeling of sadness and disappointment. Emotional divorce involves a lack of respect, trust and affection for each other. Emotional divorce occurs when men and women live side by side, but do not legalize divorce. Having a child or a negative view of society in divorce can be a reason for not legalizing divorce.

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