Social Phobia and Interpersonal Stress: Interpersonal Distress (Interpersonal Stress) Moderator

Sheideh Fasahati, S. Mansoureh EmamiSaber, Mojgan AbbasiAbrazgah


Existing models of social phobia are rarely considered to be interpersonal stress. Also, these models rarely include interpersonal factors that combine the effects of social phobia. According to the recent findings of two forms of interpersonal distress, feeling overhead and neutral attachment, exacerbate social phobia and cause interpersonal stress, these two structures may be especially important in the study of social phobia and stress Individuals are linked together. The present study expands the previous study by testing the role of social phobia in the occurrence of positive and negative interpersonal events and examines whether interpersonal distress regulates this relationship. Graduate students (N = 243; M = 20.46 years; 83% female) completed reports of social phobia measurements, overweight, and neutral attachment, plus a measurement and a clinically evaluated clinical interview. Reporting the positive and negative interpersonal events that have taken place over the past six weeks. Only with an increasing incidence of independent interpersonal negative events, after controlling symptoms of depression, levels of social phobia were higher. This relationship was stronger among people who felt more overcrowded, but this was not the case with the neutral attachment. It may be important to create interpersonal stress in social phobia models with greater power.

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