Sociobiology is Not a Theory of Evolution but a Branch of Entomology, which Deals with Social Insects

Md AbdulAhad


Sociobiology is the latest theory of evolution. Edwad. O. Wilson, an American entomologist advocates this theory in 1975. The basic principle of this theory is that behavior is under hereditary control. It proposes that new species arise due to changes of social behavior; as behavior changes the gene frequency of an organism. But diverse literatures shows that social behavior is learned and experienced, not inherited. Consequently, evolution of new species through modifications of behavior is not possible. Moreover, only social insects (ants, bees, wasps and termites) and few mammals are social. Hence, this theory is applicable for these few animals. Humans are actually social, nevertheless most biologists and sociologists disagree to apply the idea of Sociobiology to human; as if the human social behavior is inherited then struggle, to desirable social change of the people become needless. Hence, ‘Sociobiology Study Group of Science for the People’ rejects Sociobiology. Moreover, Sociobiology is based on natural selection but it is opposite to natural selection. In addition, Sociobiology includes different subjects haphazardly but specialists of those subjects opposed strongly Sociobiology. It is claim that Sociobiology is based on Neo-Darwinism but any biologist included it an agent of Neo-Darwinism. Moreover, Neo-Darwinism is based on mutations, which is serious deleterious. There is no known example that a reproductive isolated organism arises through natural mutation or induced mutation. Although breeders have developed some new plants varieties through induced mutations, yet it backs to wild type over time. In addition, there is only journal of Sociobiology. But the title of the journal, it contents and the editorial announcements proved that Sociobiology is not a theory of evolution but a branch of entomology, which deals with social insects. E.O. Wilson is also an entomologist.

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