Dyscalculia And Development Of Sense Of Number: Implementation Of An Intervention Program

Patrícia Catalão, João Casal, Luis Miguel Picado


The present study try to understand how the application of a Dyscalculus Intervention Program, focused at the development of number sense, influences the mathematical performance of children in the 2nd year of schooling. We performed an evaluation of the mathematical competences of a group of students, of the 2nd year of schooling, and identified possible signs of dyscalculia through an exhaustive documentary analysis and, also, the resolution of a Mathematical Competence Check Test. After identifying the subjects with dyscalculia we applied a program oriented to the development of mathematical competences. The results indicate that the activities performed were very positive, contributing to the improvement of most of the skills evaluated and directed to the number sense, namely: establish numerical orders / sequences, compare and order numbers, perform arithmetic operations (additions and subtractions ) and solve simple problems using the operations that best suit the type of question. Given the type of study we consider relevant the testing of the method to other participants.

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