Blended learning (new approach in instruction)
Learning is one of the most human characteristics and with the increase in human knowledge; the need for more studies in learning becomes more prominent. Blended learning is a mixture of face-to-face and non face-to- face (electronic) instruction. This approach aims to use various resources and tools such as multimedia software, simulation, conferences, DVDs, books, homework, virtual classrooms, internet labs, groups and forums to help students in better learning. Today, electronic learning is starting to replace the traditional learning methods. On the other hand, many studies show that electronic learning has several disadvantages and can’t replace to the traditional learning methods. Therefore despite of the advantages and limitations of both methods, educational experts have attempted to combine these two methods; believing that blended instruction can be an effective solution. This novel educational approach attempts to use various tools and resources for better learning. In order to support the necessary infrastructures for blended electronic learning approach, it is necessary to use information and communication technology tools. This requires policy-making, legislation and regulations in order to facilitate the participation of faculty members in educational planning and improving the physical environment of universities.
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