Interfering with Childhood Externalizing Behavioral Disorder Symptoms: the Effectiveness of Parents Management

Azam Fazeli, Majid MahmoudAlilou, Mansour Bayrami


Introduction: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of parent management training to improve of symptoms children's externalizing behavior disorders was conducted. Method: The present research is a single case study and it is type of quasi-experimental research and research design is pretest, posttest, follow up three subjects no control group because the subjects were evaluated once before offering training methods, again were reassessed after eight sessions training, for the third time in a month after the end of training sessions as a follow-up using: CSI-4, CPRS48, PSI were evaluated and using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques output of SPSS software, diagrams are drawn and required parameters were calculated. Results: Based on these findings, the result is Parent training cause improve symptoms in children with externalizing disorders. Conclusions: The overall, parent training programs has focused on the treatment of maladaptive behavior and research findings show parents training affecting on child behavior problems and reduce the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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