Effectiveness of Group Counseling Based on Choice Theory on Improving the Life Quality of Married Women

Reza Borumand, Eghbal Zarei


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of group counseling based on choice theory on improving the life quality of married women. This study was conducted using a quasi –experimental method, pre-test - post-test plan and control group. The population of the study included women referred to Mehr Jonoob Counseling and Psychological Services Center to improve their marital life quality. 30 women have formed the study sample in two groups of control and experimental on the basis of life quality score and Matching Familiar Figures Test, based on the available sample. The experimental group received group counseling based on choice theory. Control group did not receive any counseling program until the completion of the group consultation. The WHO Quality of Life questionnaire was the data collection tool. The results of this study showed that group counseling based on choice theory effects on improving the couples' life quality (p=0.001) and group counseling based on choice theory is a suitable model for improving the couples' quality of life.

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